Look what I got from China! A TCXO!

Look what I got from China! A TCXO!

Lately I have discovered online shopping in Chinese shops. Because everything is so very cheap over there, comparing to our prices in the west, it’s easy to buy more than you need! I bought also several radio amateur things, of which I will write in a few blogs....

Doing more with less

What a strange hobby this amateur radio hobby is! At home I’m trying to have the highest antenna with the biggest radio and the most power. Whereas while traveling I want the smallest antenna with the smallest transmitter; which means, low power. While traveling size...
Using a CW filter in digital mode

Using a CW filter in digital mode

I discovered another use for the new CW filter I put in my FT-817; I found out it also works in digital modes! During my stay in Montreal, working as VA2/PA1CA, I decided to work an hour or so in the 2013 Russian RTTY contest. Because I was using my Yaesu FT-817 I was...
FT-950 Wideband mod

FT-950 Wideband mod

After buying my new (secondhand) Yaesu FT-950 base transceiver I knew I again wanted to do the wideband mod. This is the same mod I did for the Yaesu FT-817 some time ago; I wrote about it in another blog entry. Because the FT-950 is much larger than the FT-817 I...