I re-found my first love! I was 13 when I met here and spend hours playing with her. Than when I was 16 I lost her again…..

Since this is a radio amateur blog you probably guessed I was talking about something to do with transmitters… 😉

I was browsing around ebay and found the first transmitter I ever had. It was an Amroh CB-007; 22 channel FM, 0.5 watt CB transmitter. I think the Amroh brand is a Dutch brand and the transmitter was, in hindsight, not the greatest looking rig. But it was my first transmitter and although the specifications were not great, it was my biggest treasure then.

After a few years I lost interest and I think I sold the Amroh then.

So now I again found the first transmitter I ever had and bought it. It was only 60 euros for two (!) of them so the price was right I guess! 😉 This included postage and packing(!)

I can remember paying 200 euros for it so the price did change a lot but I guess that’s the faith of all electronics.

I must say I’m very happy to have this CB radio again. I will not use it because the specs are so bad, compared to my current transmitters, that I cannot do much with it.

But maybe I can just look at it now and then and remember the time when I was 13!
