I got a card!

I got a card!

Some time ago I had a contact with the king of Spain and I wrote about this in my blog. Now I got this short contact with him confirmed with a card! A lot of radio amateurs will confirm their contacts with a QSO card. QSO is the short term for “contact” or...
Look what I got from China! A TCXO!

Look what I got from China! A TCXO!

Lately I have discovered online shopping in Chinese shops. Because everything is so very cheap over there, comparing to our prices in the west, it’s easy to buy more than you need! I bought also several radio amateur things, of which I will write in a few blogs....
My QRP setup on our trip to Montreal

My QRP setup on our trip to Montreal

Some time ago I wrote 2 small blogs. One about using a CW filter in digital mode and one about doing more with less. It was about a trip I made to Montreal, where I used my small FT-817nd radio to make some impressive contacts. Well, at least to me they were...
ft-817nd vs ft-857d

ft-817nd vs ft-857d

As people that read my blog posts might know; I’m always looking for the best portable setup. At the moment the options revolve around using the FT-817nd with a small linear or using the FT-857d. Using an FT-817nd plus a small linear In my post about using the...